Taxonic is an independent consultancy founded in 2012. Our mission: evangelize semantic technologies and help organizations applying these to solve real-world problems. We invest in further developing open standards underpinning Linked Data, among other things as a W3C Partner. We also invest in research, for instance, in the field of extracting data from textual documents. Our most important focus, however, is helping organizations to benefit from applying Linked Data. Among our clients are the Dutch Police, the Kadaster, Wolters Kluwer, Kennisnet, CROW, and Alliander.
In Taxonic’s spin-off OntoPharma we use semantic technologies to create commercial software solutions supporting regulatory processes in the pharma domain.
Taxonic offers consulting services and expertise in semantic technology. Our specialists range from developers and analysts to project managers and business consultants.
OntoPharma creates software solutions for the pharma domain. Our flagship product is CortexExtract, which creates fully compliant data sets by analysing textual product descriptions.
Taxonic BV
Janssoniuslaan 80
3528 AJ Utrecht, The Netherlands