Chairs: Tim Nelissen (Kadaster), Erwin Folmer (Kadaster), Pieter J.C. van Everdingen (PLDN), Alwin Sixma (TNO)
Workshop 1: Real life Linked data Kadaster use cases for vocabulary management
During this workshop the vocabulary management implementation at the Kadaster Netherlands will be shared. For this management different technical concepts were used and implemented.
Sub session 1: Environmental Catalogue using Linked Data
Content: The environmental Catalogue from the Kadaster maintains base registration catalogues using DECAT. In addition this catalogue uses prov-o for identifying classes and properties. The SKOSJS concept was used for thesuarus purposes. During this session will be explained how all these concepts were brought into practice for managing base registration vocabularies.
Facilitator: Wessel Schollmeijer (Kadaster) en Lars Wortel (Kadaster)
Sub session 2: Key register (BAG) base registration as Linked Data
The Key register registration is currently available as Linked Data and also via API’s. Challenges around the data model and semantic vocabulary management will be shared during this session.
Facilitator: Janette Storm (Kadaster) and Pano Maria (Kadaster)
Sub session 3: Vocabulaire management using SHACL a Kadaster Netherlands use case
For managing vocabulairy rules SHACL has been used. The way it has been used and implemented as well the challenges faced during the implementation for the Kadaster will be shared during this session.
Facilitator: Marco Brattinga (Kadaster) and Pano Maria (Kadaster)
Workshop 2: Large scale Public Administration data processing for easy to use Smart Public (City) purposes
As of today all geo information and base registration information in the Netherlands is not easy to access and use seen the formats it’s provided in. All these datasets need to be harvested individually which has some consequences for the up-to-date presentation of the data and also requires hardware on the application side where the data is being used. Another challenge for geo information is findability of the information via search engines like Google as also providing a proper working open SPARQL endpoint enabling cross dataset exploration of the available datasets. During this session we show interesting developments solving these issues via easy to find and consume data set formats whereby the data can be kept up to date as harvesting isn’t needed anymore. The data can be directly accessed from the source. Some proactical examples will be shared during this workshop which is splitted in following three sub sessions.
Sub session 1: The Dutch Data Platform for Base Registrations from the Kadaster Netherlands
Content: The Dutch Data Platform provides base registrations as easy to access and up-to-date data from the source. The platform currently provides the BAG, BRT, BRK and Ruimtelijke Plannen datasets as Linked Data and API’s. The platform offers cross data set exploration possibilities and aims to add additional services like offering a Linked Dataset Quality Dashboard, etc… . During this session the Data Platform journey will be shared showing the ins- and outs and reasoning for this development and also provides insights in what is coming up.
Facilitator: Erwin Folmer (Kadaster) and Jasper Roes (Kadaster)
Sub session 2: How the Dutch Data Platform solved the issues around findability on the web of geo data as also provinding a working open SPARQL endpoint
Content: This session will explain how the data platform solved the challenges irt a working geosparql endpoint. Also making geo information findable via search engines like google was another challenge the date platform faced. During this session some technical insight will be provided on how these challenges were solved.
Facilitator: Wouter Beek (Kadaster) and John Walker(Kadaster)
Sub session 3: Some practical environmental law examples using Linked Data and the Kadaster Data Platform
Content: The Kadaster developed together with the municipality of Emmen and Nijmegen a “Locatieprikker” application allowing an Initiator to check on the map where a certain Business Activity is allowed. Hereby taking into consideration the applicable environmental category and rules applied to that. In addition relevant information from different Base registrations like BAG, BRT and Ruimtelijke Plannen is shown on the map. The second practical example concerns an environmental scan study performed by the Kadaster and the Municipality of Eindhoven. The idea of the application/ study is to offer relevant information related to a “Development Zone” for specific User Groups on the map. The application is therefore using data from the Data Platform in combination with data from Base register information like permits, BAG, BRT and Ruimtelijke Plannen will be shown on the map for the area in development. The purpose of the application is to inform and facilitate all relevant stakeholders.
Facilitator: Tim Nelissen (Kadaster)