Jan Benedictus


How to engage authors with semantic technologies

Many organisations are adopting a form of Structured Content Authoring (SCA). This to increase content consistency, discoverability, semantic quality of content, in a multi-channel world.

Key challenge organizations face is the engagement of their authors in new ways of content creation. Integrating semantic technologies in the authoring process can be of great help in this adoption.

Semantic tagging, re-use, targeting, conditions, references, all are essential and valuable features that form the essence of Structured Content schemas. If we simply 'strip complexity' –for the sake of ‘lightweight authoring’- chances are fair that we lose much of this value.

So the question really is: how do we make real Structured Content Authoring a main-stream activity? What does it take to engage experts into new ways of authoring, how can the strengths of standards be made ‘useful for the masses’, what are realistic scenarios to migrate organizations to new ways of working.

In his presentation, Jan Benedictus will give examples of publishers, regulatory organizations and enterprises that are making the shift from unstructured to structured content authoring with an important role for ‘general authors’. He will share his thoughs on ‘lightweight structured authoring’ and share many of the dilemmas and solutions that he and his team encounter in search of the ultimate friendly structured authoring tool.


Jan Benedictus has been working in structured content since 1996. As founder of web-agency "Liones" he has helped many publishers to migrate from paper to online publishing. In 2012 Jan founded FontoXML, web-based XML editor for non-XML experts. He and his team develop and implement structured authoring solutions for many different organizations.

Jan is a member of the OASIS Sub Committee (SC) Lightweight DITA